Thursday, February 02, 2012

finally done a ork lols I am a nerd

Recently I was given a task to design and model an ork concept in 2 work days.
It was hard work but here is a paint over of what I came up with (PO done out with of the two days).
I'll post the model when I get a chance. The focus was more on the costume then the face.

c&c welcome



A. Riabovitchev said...

Cool work Sam!And quick.:O)

stephen molyneaux said...

very quick. great work sam

Ken said...


Hamish Beachman said...

Nice one Rowan. "man flesh"

SHOo said...

It's really really mean Sam! Love it!

Bryan Wynia said...

I love the feathers, very cool!

jamie holmes said...

Great one. I tolly get you. I did a Frazetta inspirid nerd painting a while back. Some times you just need to nerd out;)
